Hey friend! - I am a Human Design enthusiast and I write the blog articles around here.

I'm Brigitte.

I love watching Human Design come alive in real time and in real lives.

My goal is to simplify and demystify Human Design so you can use it well and see or feel the results right away!

Also..... I am a 3/5 Splenic Projector. I learned about Human Design in 2006 and I've been using it to improve my quality of life ever since. I started teaching and coaching it in 2008.

If you are new to Human Design, check out the pro tips in our FAQs

"If you walk around feeling a little off or out of step with most everyone, (even though it's known that you are the go-to person with the best solutions and insight into everyone and everything), I bet by now your Human Design has validated your weirdness and given it value and purpose."

~ Brigitte Knight

Brigitte Knight RN, MA is a 3/5 Splenic Projector. She has studied and used Human Design since 2006.

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