End frustrating relationships at home and work using a revolutionary tool you already own.

Your Human Design Instruction Manual!

End frustrating relationships at home and work using a revolutionary tool you already own.

Your Human Design Instruction Manual!

Hi. I'm Brigitte!

Since 2008, I've helped women use their Human Design Instruction Manual to:

  • Decrease anxiety and burnout
  • Understand and get along with others
  • Trust themselves
  • Communicate well and be heard. and
  • Take powerful action from a place of stillness...

... Without force and definitely without controlling others.

Hi. I'm Brigitte Knight

Since 2008, I've helped women use their Human Design Instruction Manual to:

  • Decrease anxiety and burnout
  • Understand and get along with others
  • Trust themselves
  • Communicate well and be heard
  • Take powerful action from a place of stillness...

... Without force and definitely without controlling others.

Sign up for Human Design Coaching...

  • If you are always the go-to person - You always know what to do, so you always get nominated to fix things. - You're beginning to resent it.
  • If you feel guilty or ashamed to say NO - You feel like you're letting people down and they won't remember you the next time they need help.
  • If taking care of everyone and everything is exhausting - The thought of letting people find their own way and take care of themselves freaks you out.
  • If intrusive, gaslighting people are exhausting - Your boundaries and relationship rules always get trampled over robbing you of your sanity, freedome, and peace.
  • If you're just plain exhausted... And it's not from lack of sleep, but you don't know what it is or how to get relief.

With Human Design Coaching, you will learn how to create a DOUBT FREE LIFE, and...

Say NO to pre-set, cookie-cutter milestones, people-pleasing, power-struggles, and defending boundaries.

Because, really... Who has time for that?

Your Human Design manual puts you on the FAST-TRACK to solving relationship problems with others and with yourself.

And... it will save you hours of worry, inaction, therapy, and money.

In case you're wondering... Human Design is not a magic pill!

It's a mindset and lifestyle change that you'll recognize and grasp quickly.

Use it in real time and you'll have a powerful, fast-acting tool to transform even the most difficult relationships and circumstances into quiet havens of inspiration and peace.

Or, you'll use it to get the heck out of Dodge!

It doesn't take long to get relief with Human Design.

But you have to be hungry and ready for change.

All it takes is practice and feedback in real time.

With a supportive partner along for the ride you'll grasp it no time.

Our clients say...

"Human Design Coaching is like learning to ride a bike with a parent running along beside you...

... And then POOF! They're gone.

They're gone because you don't need them anymore.

You're doing it all by yourself!"

~ Sarah T., Manifesting Generator

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